clear their land, and create some shelter, and they re sending starting tomorrow about 8,000 of these boxes, or 2,000 i think already in the dominican republic, but this week they re getting these boxes together, they re sending 8,000 down to haiti. ivan s with me, because rye van spent a lot of time in haiti watching this stuff. they are sending toolboxes with all kind of stuff, duct tape and a hacksaw to cut through the iron, they re calling a hammer, but, you know, it s a real big one. heavy duty. crowbar. right. rope, tarp, gloves, buckets, gloves, safety glasses. does this look useful? absolutely. we take this for granted. look at this. a box of nails. but this is the poorest country in the western hem miss fear. right. waterproof tarp. i was seeing huge basically refugeecamps, where people were using cotton sheets and sticks and sleeping under those.