described the crimes he committed and pled guilty. theft of the drug, running a massage parlor-prostitution ring, robbery and extortion. the crochendo came in selling drugs that had been in evidence. reporter: louis lombardi left after learning he would spend three years behind bars while on the task force. on his behalf i guess i would have to say there is no explanation. and that what he did was wrong and that he s prepared to pay the price for those wrong decisions. the remaining question mark is norman wells. so far he s indicated he won t take a plea deal despite butler and lombardi being ready to testify against him. as far as the drugs are concerned which is the core of this case it was mr. welsh who had access to that, mr. butler didn t. reporter: butler s sentencing is set for september. live in oakland, i m john sasaki, ktvu news. at this hour in san jose, police are deploying additional officers downtown for the start of the cinco de mayo celebratio