Jefferson Hills native Ryan Muldowney, who is now a senior story producer out in Los Angeles, showed his impressive skills on “Wheel of Fortune” Wednesday night, taking home nearly $15,000.
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“Cheating at poker” were among the guesses Muldowney made. Host Pat Sajak quipped that the guess revealed a bit about him.
Alas, his attempts did not land near the answer:
C H E C K I N G / M Y / A V A I L A B I L I T Y.”
Muldowney, 37, grew up in Jefferson Hills and graduated from Slippery Rock University with a degree in journalism. He’s lived in Los Angeles for 15 years.
Although he’s a freelance reality television writer, Muldowney joked that he was also a retired teacher and grandparent.
“I was excited I got to make Pat laugh,” said Muldowney, who bantered easily with Sajak throughout the show.