Oct. 27, 1976
The Central Noble Cougars football team defeated Manchester 41-6 in the homecoming contest. Preceding the game, a parade through the downtown section was held. The Cougars have an outstanding grid record, leading the league, and the win over Manchester added to their impressive record.
Plans were underway at Central Noble for the Annual Parent-Teacher Organization Fall Festival on Nov. 6, 1976, at Wolf Lake. Games, contests, booths, food and a drawing for prizes would be in the offing as the PTO and other school organizations work to raise funds for classes and school related clubs. Along with a variety of booths planned by groups and classes, food will be served by the Music Boosters at a dinner from 5-8 p.m. and in short orders until 9 p.m. The menu for dinner included ham or turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans, applesauce, pie or cake and cold drinks. Hot dogs, Sloppy joes, ham sandwiches, chips, pie, cake, coffee and cold drinks would be available in short orders