the people around them knew that both killers had toldd other people they planned to t commit a mass shooting and then they did. what can we learn fromys this ? well, the first most obvious answer is that the system in place didn t work. candace owens teacher sent him to a mental hospital for evaluation. they knew he was a threat. they tried their bestea . cr he committed a massacre anyway. so we know for a fact that what we re doing isn t working. but we should also be honest enough to acknowledgeed that its very hard to know what to do. instead, despite what you may have heard, the problem isn t that we don t care enough. there s not a person in this h country who was not horrifiedht by the sight of murdered children. it s the worstre thing. and everybody thinks that them problem is that the human mind is much more complex and hardere to control than we like to admit. a person who is intent on committing violence is very hard to stop under any c circumstances. an act of con
ranger is thought a lot was abot this .r coming he joins us tonight. ryan, thanks so much on. for cog on . so dumb people peddling cheap, ineffective solutions to help them in the wakee of a national tragedy. i feel like we ve seenhi . havefore we sure have, tucker . i mean, the only reason to ban guns is to ban guns. itit doesn t do anything to stop violent crime. i mean, i look at situations like this where you have a bunch of defenseless children murdered and i don t understand who thinks it s a good idea to make the rest of us more defenseless. also also.. se i mean, aurora is one of those guys that wants to do that . but the assault weapons ban not only didn t help, it made it worse. crime actually spiked during that ban and since then we ve a the on violent crime in this country compared tohi history or recent history. ry i mean, it s easy to focus on the scary gun, but if people look at real facts, we look atke real stats like the fbi, st violent crime stats, there aree more mur
are there when congress passed that law for ten years, st they also required the doj to study its effectsud and what they found out it didn t accomplish anything. here s charles krauthammer pointing that outha. we t had a decade of that assaut weapons ban from the mid 90s, lasted for a decade. and if you look at the studies had no appreciable influenceen on gun violence or the lethality of individual attacks. and there are three elements here. again, it s the shooter, it s t the web and it shes the environment and all that liberals are mainstream media want to look atnm, of course, is the weapon.po are but there are other ways of looking at this . if you look at the shooteren himself and the mental health issue, the fact that you cannota get a commitment on these kinds of people, i m thinking most of jared loughner, the shooter in tucson, arizona, everybody knew he was a grenade about to go off. who anybody who knew him was was in class with him said that . but you could only stop him