The Bombay High Court on Monday asked whether Sameer Wankhede, accused of trying to extort Rs 25 crore from Shah Rukh Khan to avoid implicating his son Aryan Khan in a drugs case, circulated the chat in media despite the matter being in sub judice.
The Indian Revenue Service officer made the claim in his petition before the HC seeking to quash an FIR registered by the CBI against Wankhede for allegedly seeking a bribe of Rs 25 crore from Khan for not implicating his son in the alleged drug bust.
Former NCB zonal director Sameer Wankhede on Saturday appeared before the CBI in Mumbai for questioning in a case in which he is accused of demanding Rs 25 crore bribe from superstar Shah Rukh Khan for not implicating his son Aryan in the Cordelia cruise drug bust case,