Shares of state-owned Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd (RVNL) gained over 3% in the afternoon session today after the state-run company said its JV with KRDCL has emerged as the lowest bidder (L1) from Southern Railway for ‘Redevelopment of Thiruvananthapuram Central Railway Station on Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) mode.”
Jio Financial Services, Wipro, Hindustan Zinc, HDFC Asset Management Company and more will announce their results for the March 2024 quarter later today.
"RVNL has signed MoU with Airports Authority of India (AAI) for construction of subway/underpass to connect the operational area to the Airport Authority of India residential colony in Kolkata," the company said in an exchange filing.
RVNL, Zomato, GLT Infra, Dish TV, Power Grid, Punjab National Bank and IREDA saw rise in volumes. HDFC Bank, IRFC, Indus Towers, Reliance Industries, RVNL and IndusInd Bank were a few stocks leading the turnover chart on NSE.