Earlier this month, a thief snuck into an unattended dorm room in George Jameson Hall and absconded with a student’s wallet. Last month, in the ungodly hours of the morning, an unidentified robber trespassed into a vacant, unlocked room on West Campus and made off with a television set.
An endowed scholarship honoring the work of state Senator Ronald L. Rice, a Rutgers-Newark alumnus and powerful champion of fairness and opportunity, will support undergraduate students in the School of Arts and Sciences and the School of Criminal Justice.
The United States Postal Service will honor trailblazing Cornell alumnae Toni Morrison M.A. ’55 and Ruth Bader Ginsburg ’54 through new postage stamps set to be issued in 2023. Morrison and Ginsburg’s stamps were revealed on October 24, alongside the Postal Service’s preliminary list of new designs.The stamps celebrate two of Cornell’s most prominent graduates. […]
Two Cornell icons woven into the fabric of American history – Nobel laureate Toni Morrison and Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg – will be commemorated in 2023 with a U.S. postage stamp.