May 7, 2021 by Scott Hood
Another problem that users of English face is this: does the verb in a sentence agree with the noun (subject) before it or the noun or adjective after it (complement)? Well, it all depends on whether we are thinking of the team as a single collective unit or as individuals. If it is the former, then the verb should be singular. However if we are considering the team as comprising individual members who are not acting as a single unit, then we use the plural verb. Fractional expressions such as half of, a part of, a percentage of, a majority of are sometimes singular and sometimes plural, depending on the meaning. (The same is true, of course, when all, any, more, most and some act as subjects.) Sums and products of mathematical processes are expressed as singular and require singular verbs link. The advantages are primarily financial, because the cost is contained. Also, this type of site will often allow for resource and support sharing among the multiple