20,000 foreigners have now volunteered to help ukraine fend off this russianon slot, only to spite, others to help. we spoke to some americans and others heading to the war zone, including an ex-marine, nurse, and recruiter who vets them. their resumes range from combat experience to no military training at all. brian, a 25-year-old from minnesota, says he served two years with the marines in okinawa, japan. i am a u.s. marine. i have to die to help these people. reporter: david, 33, from canada, says he can help fix tires keep ukrainian military vehicles on the road. if it s black and round and made out of rubber, i can fix it. and one of the most important things are the gears of war are keeping it moving. reporter: all volunteers get at least some training, but while some can contribute on the battlefield, others may never see combat. mattie, another member sky s medical team, a travel nurse from missouri. near help and willing to put her