The average price of Russian oil brand Urals amounted to $70.33 per barrel over the period of July 15 - Audust 14, while the Brent benchmark was trading at $84.23 per barrel, bringing the Russian oil s discount to $13.9 per barrel, the Russian Finance Ministry said on Tuesday.
Russian Urals oil rose above the $60 limit set for it by the G7 countries on July 12 for the first time since the introduction of the price ceiling for Russian crude.
KARACHI: The second cargo of 56,000 tonnes of Russian crude oil, arranged under a new deal between Islamabad and Moscow, arrived at Karachi on Tuesday, according to the Karachi Port Trust . The.
Türkiye’s purchases of Russian Urals oil hit a seven-month high in May as Turkish refiners took advantage of low prices for the grade, Refinitiv Eikon.