The Security Service of Ukraine has detained a member of one of the village councils of Poltava Oblast, who was a member of the inner circle of Illia Kyva, the former MP from the banned Opposition Platform - For Life (OPFL) party.
Russian dictator Vladimir Putin published a new article in an effort to justify himself to the African world, while at the same time Russian “millbloggers” criticized Russia’s air defense systems following the July 24 drone attacks on Moscow, reported U.S.-based Institute for the Study of War on July 24.
A ban on pro-Kremlin, Russian-language TV channels broadcasting in Estonia put in place last month has led to a sharp decline in their significance to Russian-speaking people in Estonia, according to a recent survey.
Minister of Culture and Information Policy Oleksandr Tkachenko sent a letter to YouTube with a request to block Russian TV channels broadcasting on the service.