Chimpanzee culture was studied by researchers who came up with some fascinating findings. There is a fundamental assumption in human culture and society that learning new things and passing that knowledge on to the next generation is essential. Although this method known as "cumulative culture" may not be unique to humans. A new study claims that chimpanzees do the same.
Apr 20, 2021 05:19 PM EDT
So much is now well known about the similarities we have with other primates, it is not difficult to forget that until relatively currently, we were still establishing precisely where we humans came to an end and apes began.
Through the 20th century, the chimpanzee s study specifically was a way to gain knowledge about ourselves: how we might cope in space, for instance, and how we might have communications without a common tongue.
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The Temerlins Raised Lucy in Their Home
The Human Chimp, Lucy, a new KEO Films TV documentary, Channel 4, explores the meeting of those worlds through one special relationship story: that between a chimpanzee trained as a human, Lucy, and a graduate student employed to clean her cage, Janis Carter. Through the late 1960s, Lucy was the topic of studies that are high-profiled by psychologists Jane and Maurice Temerlin, apparently to explore the nurture versus nature limits.