As Russia is waging its war against Ukraine, some high-ranking Ukrainian officials with confirmed or suspected Russian citizenship are doing fine. The authorities' inability or unwillingness to oust Russian citizens from key posts poses a major security risk amid the ongoing war. "It's a big threat for national security," Mykhailo Zhernakov, head of legal think-tank Dejure, told the Kyiv Independent.
The so-called "authorities" of the temporarily occupied Ukrainian territories plan to involve students in the Russian "presidential elections" as observers, the National Resistance Center (NRC) reported on Feb. 4.
Serbian actor Miloš Biković, who supports Russia, will not appear in the third season of the White Lotus series. HBO has cancelled Biković's contract after the news broke and the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry addressed, The Variety and Deadline reported.
Russia is tricking Syrians who don't even speak Russian into signing contracts with the Russian Defence Ministry, providing them with Russian passports in return, including some that are registered in Yakutia in Russia's Far East.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine has responded to the statement of the HBO streaming platform about the addition of Serbian-Russian actor Miloš Biković to the filming of Season 3 of the TV series The White Lotus.