Editor: Your arrogant Columnist Allen Stellar, in his column Sept. 12, referred to me as “The perennially grumpy Les Wolfe.” Well, I am a grumpy old man; I’m grumpy because in my time, this country pulled itself out of the great-depression, won WWII and everybody was proud to be an American. Boys were boys, girls […]
I chuckle after reading Tom Hylton’s nonsense article about zoning in Pottstown. The zoning changes that he was part of led to the decline of businesses wanting to locate in Pottstown. When the O/R zoning (office/residential) was changed to TTN that was the end. So in the TTN zoning area, if an insurance agent left […]
American presidential politics have devolved into the theater of the absurd. Suffering obvious and undeniable cognitive impairments not to mention insurmountable incompetence, the current occupant of the oval office can barely string a cogent thought into a sentence, but the Democrat Media Complex completely ignores and even hides the fact Joe Biden has no cognitive clothes.
Editor: Pat Johnston’s letter on July 26 certainly proves the point that the last refuge for liberals is to accuse people with opposing views of what they are actively guilty of. Her maniacal rant will be vigorously applauded by other brainwashed liberals of higher education. Of course, President Trump being conservative, has got to be […]