Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity Posted on
SUBJECT: Attempts to Sucker You Into Russia-Bashing
Dear President-elect Biden,
Fool Me Once …” You may recall that President George W. Bush could not remember the last part of that aphorism. No matter. It turned out that – on Iraq – Bush was not fooled by bad intelligence. Rather, he and Vice President Dick Cheney were determined to attack Iraq and asked malleable former colleagues of ours to manufacture intelligence to “justify” that catastrophic war.
It was so bad that Senate Intelligence Committee Chair Jay Rockefeller described prewar intelligence as “unsubstantiated, contradicted, or even non-existent.” James Clapper, who was in charge of imagery analysis, admits in his memoir that the Bush/Cheney pressure to document a rogue WMD program in Iraq was so intense that “
the senate intelligent committee has a busy week digging through russian hacking, and going through robert mueller who is going through the case and joining us is jay johnson who was with the obama administration looking into russian interference into our election in the day, and so all of the indictments havele come out that you proved that you had come on to something, and you didn t know how bad it was and nobody did at the time, but the fact that they are going after robert mueller? what is that telling us about well, i m offended. i m appall and all americans should be, but i am not surprised. i have been saying for some time that insofar as the dis
bret: did they describe it? they said it came from a reliable source. other information about russian hacking was provided by michael susman whose firm commissioned the dossier. that was confirmed by the fbi former general counsel james baker a spokesman denied any connection to the dnc and clinton am pain work. ron johnson sent a letter to fbi director ray requesting all documents about ssman s comments. including evidence that rod rosenstein secretly talked about listening to the president. bret: a major security breach at facebook, fends off accusations of political censorship and bias. fox 9 in the twin cities, top democratic party official gets major support from minnesota labor leaders.
place. and i feel that his conduct was unbefitting the judiciary, unbefitting the supreme court and beneath him personally. ben wittis, thank you for that perspective, one that the white house would vehementally disagree with, as we heard from raj shah earlier in this broadcast. breaking news out of the justice department, unrelated to brett kavanaugh. new charges against russians. justice correspondence pete williams is joining us from the doj now. tell us what s been going on over the last little bit there. this is yet another accusation by the united states about russian hacking, stealing information and using it to try to influence public opinion about russia. this didn t have anything to do with the election, though. this is a very unusual coordinated effort by the u.s., the uk and canada to basically name and shame russian intelligence operatives. what they say is basically that russians did two things here.
million people s data points. this is what is particularly troubling. now we have the third of multiple instances in which the trump campaign broke the rules to have access to specific data, we have also known about russian hacking, we also know about russian disinformation campaigns. so i think, you know, frankly, facebook has to be a lot more honest with the american people of how this tool that we put our trust in, was manipulated by cambridge analytica and the trump campaign and what effect it actually had in the election. and the exposure is key, because much of this is in doubt, you have cambridge suspending and saying sorry we got caught, it s not enough. you have facebook under the pressure admitting it, you have the facebook whistle brealower, talking about how they conduct their business. there s not a basis here for the bad things that were done, only questions about what will be done about them.