ONLINE: Mixed Messages: Mediating Native Belonging in Asian Russia
Mar 11, 2021 4:00 PM
press release: This lecture will be given over Zoom: REGISTER HERE.
Focusing on language and media in eastern Siberia,
Mixed Messages (Cornell University Press, 2020) engages debates about the role of minority media in society, alternative visions of modernity, and the impact of media on everyday language use. The book demonstrates that language and the production, circulation, and consumption of media are practices by which residents of the region perform and negotiate competing possible identities. What languages should be used in newspapers, magazines, or radio and television broadcasts, and by whom? What kinds of publics are and are not possible through media? How exactly do discourses move into, out of, and through the media to affect everyday social practices? In this book talk, Kathryn Graber will address these questions through her ethnography of the Russian Federationâs Buryat t