The Russians launched a missile attack on Ukraine on the night of 12-13 January. They used 40 targets - cruise, aeroballistic, ballistic, air-launched and anti-aircraft guided missiles and attack UAVs, eight of which were destroyed by air defence assets and personnel.
The local authorities independently assess the damage from Russian attacks and the work of Ukraine's Air Defence Forces. The task of air defence is to down Russian targets wherever possible. Source: Yurii Ihnat, spokesman for the Ukrainian Air Force, on air of national 24/7 newscast and in an interview with Ukrainska Pravda Quote: "I was a little surprised by that information [from the local government of Khmelnytskyi Oblast about the aftermath of a Russian air attack on 25 October 25 - ed.
Odesa Oblast came under sustained Russian air attack last night with widespread damage to buildings reported, the local authorities reported on July 19.