watergate special prosecutor. we begin with rod rosenstein coming out for the first time to announce this. your view of what he did, why that was important and how that correlates with him briefing the president himself in a probe on how this work benefitted the donald trump campaign? this part of the case, this indictment concerns the media activities and other political activities by russian agents, grass roots political activities inside the united states, in order to swing the 2016 presidential election. this is separate from the computer hacking of the dnc computer, and other aspects of the russia investigation that we have yet to hear about. these people have been indicted. the president for the first time today has acknowledged that there was russian interference in the election, the russia investigation is not a hoax, anybody who said it is a hoax is
there was surveillance ofat russian agents, that s okay and that is with the u.s. is supposed to do. surveilled russia, they surveilled us among we try to get information about them and they try to get information about us.ge there were certain u.s. citizens caught up in that surveillance. incidental collection of their conversations or discussions about them. that includes some trump campaign officials. that s okay too. that s going to happen. they are supposed to remain masked. in this case, they were unmasked and we know from the story today that susan rice requested the unmasking of some of them. you have to look at what are the criteria for unmasking? there are two basic criteria. one, you need to know the name of the u.s. citizen in order toi understand the intelligence or two, does the intelligence suggest that the u.s. citizen may be involved in some criminal activity? we know now from director comey of the fbi that there is an