During the attack primary school cleaner Christine Adams from Warrington was screaming: Oh, there s blood! only to repeatedly punch her neighbour when he said Yes, it s my blood.
Christine Adams, 62, dressed in pyjamas reportedly stormed round to the house of her neighbour in Warrington, along with her son, and started punching him in a drunken attack
Dorset Young Farmers Club (YFC) had a highly successful calf show this year, face to face for the first time. The judges congratulated the members for not just their knowledge and confidence, but for their beautifully turned out and well behaved calves. The results are to be announced at the Presentation Celebration Afternoon on August 1. The Dorset YFC Calf Show Competition was held on April 24. It was organised by Matt and Angela Frampton at short notice due to popular update of this particular competition. The competition judges were Stephen Curtis as Beef Judge with Kevin Goodfellow as the Steward and John Bale as the Dairy Judge with Russell Coombes as the Steward.