0 anyway, also on fox karl rove talking about integrity. the man who said that president obama didn t win the election. even after fox called the race, went after the president this time for his choice obviously of rice. also questioned about rice s, well, why not, honesty. let s watch. we saw the today statement by the president s people that he was going to get more partisan and that he was going to get more in the face of republicans. this is clearly this is the first example of that, do you think? one of the examples of it. and, look, i don t understand it. she s a capable, able person. but she went out and lied. not only did she go on television, less than two months before the election and tell a lie in order to protect the president s political position, but she did so at the risk of undermining our relationship with libya. the word lie now of course the jay carney, the president, much-respected press secretary is a paid liar. susan rice is a liar. the discourse coming
this. i don t know if president obama is mad as hell, but he is certainly not taking it anymore. yesterday he nominated a trio of judges for the d.c. circuit court. the one right below the supreme court. he did it knowing the republicans would go ballistic and guess what, he did it anyway. today the president picked susan rice, the seat of the hurricane as the right wing is concerned, as his country s national security adviser. the person coordinating this country s foreign defense and overall national security policy. she is going to be the one with the strong defense, she s the one who made the strong defense on meet the press after benghazi and hence forth she will be the person with the president s ear on defending this country. i think it s smart. first of all, he s right. the d.c. court of appeals has three vacancies. he s no the packing the court as the jackal pack is barking. he s doing his job of filling it. second, it s a better narrative. would you rather be the