19. partly cloudy today, temperatures near 40. let s check in with lisa baden for the commute. the ferry will be operating today. everything looks great according to vdot. 66, 95, 395, and the troubles in maryland. looks good along 95, 4. a good run along 270 and interstate 70. metrorail first trains taliban normal service first trains on normal service. a water main break in northwest washington happened near condit avenue and combie road. no reports of street closures. officials say the salt trucks will treat the votes to prevent freezing. the crews will not begin fixing the break until later this morning. top story, the future of prince george s county. today rushern baker takes the oath of office as the next county executive. , executive jack johnson is in the middle of a corruption scandal. his wife, who also faces charges, is expected to take a seat on the county council. courtney robinson is there. good morning. we are not expecting leslie johnson to back d