when the press asked her about it because it was patently untrue, she just ran away. sarah palin never talks to the press because they might ask her a question that she doesn t have a pat answer for. they know they don t have to deal with reality because they don t have to go to what used to be the mainstream press. larry: bill maher on the night of the 25th will perform at the orleans hotel in las vegas. we ll be right back. hi, ellen! we re going on a field trip to china! wow. [ chuckles ] when i was a kid, we we would just go to the the farm. [ cow moos ] [ laughter ] no, seriously, where are you guys going? ni hao! ni hao! ni hao! ni hao! ni hao! ni hao! ni hao! ni hao! ni hao! ni hao! ni hao! ni hao! [ female announcer ] the new classroom. see it. live it. share it. on the human network. cisco. in 2008 i quit venture capital to follow my passion for food. i saw a gap in the market for a fresh culinary brand and launched behindtheburner.com. we create and broadcast content
puts it hillary, a woman on the ticket, and joe biden, a natural for secretary of state? they re two democratic war horses i m sure they could do any job. i don t know why they would do it. hillary seems to have really fallen into her groove there in the state department. larry: it s just one of those things that is political talk in an off year. you know. but this isn t an off year. this is a really fascinating time because, again, we live in these two different realities. i don t think it s ever been like this. i know there s always been shall we say passionate passionate divide in american politics. but i don t think there s ever been a time when the two sides just have two different sets of reality. i mean, if more than half the republicans think that obama is trying to impose sharia law on the united states of america, that s just not something that you can argue about. that s just something in their
and fox news makes people stupider. the pew group did a survey and found out that ten years ago, people got their news from the same sources, probably more from cnn, for example. then we had this pole later. now john edrd was said we have two americas, we do have two americas. we have the america that s living in reality, the people who understand that obama is centrist liberal from hawaii who s trying to dig us out of the hole we re n then we have this other fox matt drudge, rush limbaugh reality where he s a muslim sleeper cell man churian candidate sent over by his kenyan father. what sort of intelligence person would believe that? we re broadcasting in
view that has to be extirpated. larry: how do you fight that if you re the other side? you don t, because you can t get through, that s the problem with the drudge/rush/fox axis of evil news bubble. nothing gets into these people s heads. they only listen to what they want to hear. they listen to what confirms what they believe, and what they believe is what they got from these people to begin with. you know, when glenn beck had his big rally on the mall, he said something like he at one point said, today, i was holding george washington s inaugural in my hand. no, you can t do that, it s in plexiglas. you can t. it s 200 years old, you can t give that to people to pass around and smudge up with their grimy fingers. but it didn t matter, because it never matters to these people because nothing they say is ever fact-checked. the governor of arizona talks about how illegals, you saw this on the news, were beheading people in arizona.
i don t think it s ever been like this. i know there s always been shall we say passionate passionate divide in american politics. but i don t think there s ever been a time when the two sides just have two different sets of reality. i mean, if more than half the republicans think that obama is trying to impose sharia law on the united states of america, that s just not something that you can argue about. that s just something in their view that has to be extirpated. larry: how do you fight that if you re the other side? you don t, because you can t get through, that s the problem with the drudge/rush/fox axis of evil news bubble. nothing gets into these people s heads. they only listen to what they want to hear. they listen to what confirms what they believe, and what they believe is what they got from these people to begin with. you know, when glenn beck had