do they? the dick armeys of the world hate work permits. your witness, governor. but work permits are one of the answers to a long-term immigration bill. look, the problem is, on fiscal policy, first of all, matt, i would honestly say that this election rejected a lot of the fiscal policy that the right has been pushing. and i don t know specifically tea party, but i think americans do want government to be involved. i think sandy brought that issue home with a crashing reality. they don t want big government, but they want effective government. they want government to play a role in their life. they don t want a government that doesn t spend money on the things that are important to them. i want you to take this challenge from rush limbaugh, matt, and you are a good guy, so take on rushbo because either you re a solution, the cheerleader, or a problem. the day after the election rush limb bowe bau was saying, don t go crazy, republicans, you already have your outreach efforts in p