Sfgovtv please show the office of Small Business slide. Welcome. It is our custom to begin and end with the reminder the office of Small Business is the only place to start your new business in San Francisco, and the best place to get answers about doing business in San Francisco. It should be your first stop with a question about what to do next. You can find us online or in person here at city hall, best of all, all services are free of charge. The Small Business commission is the official public forum to voice your opinions and concerns about policies that affect the Economic Vitality of Small Businesses in San Francisco. If you need assistance with Small Business matters start here at the office of Small Business. Item one. Call to order and roll call. roll call . Mr. President , you have a quorum. Item two. General Public Comment. Members of the public can comment on matters within the Small Business jurisdiction and to suggest new agenda items for future consideration, discussion
We had the opportunity to recover from a week of silence and a service of appreciation from my wife in the last months of her life that could only happen in such a place. I think the neighborhood dies without places of this nature. Thank you. Thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon. I am susan wisebering, i second everything everyone said about the importance of businesses like this to the community. I want to tell you a story how that affects me personally. I first went to caffe sapore in the early 2000s when a man i was dating brought me there and introduced me to elias. That relationship didnt last but my relationship with the cafe did. I saw the regulars and attended the neighborhood meetings. Seven years ago i joined the Meditation Group harvey referred to that meets at the Telegraph Hill neighborhood center. We go regularly to caffe sapore on fridays after sitting for what we call pie in honor of the many types of pie that we choose. I have been at caffe sapore
Front table. Sfgovtv please show the office of Small Business slide. Welcome. It is our custom to begin and end with the reminder the office of Small Business is the only place to start your new business in San Francisco, and the best place to get answers about doing business in San Francisco. It should be your first stop with a question about what to do next. You can find us online or in person here at city hall, best of all, all services are free of charge. The Small Business commission is the official public forum to voice your opinions and concerns about policies that affect the Economic Vitality of Small Businesses in San Francisco. If you need assistance with Small Business matters start here at the office of Small Business. Item one. Call to order and roll call. roll call . Mr. President , you have a quorum. Item two. General Public Comment. Members of the public can comment on matters within the Small Business jurisdiction and to suggest new agenda items for future consideratio
Names, completion of speaker card will help ensure proper spelling of the written record of the meeting. Please place those in the basket. When Public Comment is called if you could please line up on the right side of the room for crowd control that would be much appreciated. There is a sign in sheet on the front table. Sfgovtv please show the office of Small Business slide. Welcome. It is our custom to begin and end with the reminder the office of Small Business is the only place to start your new business in San Francisco, and the best place to get answers about doing business in San Francisco. It should be your first stop with a question about what to do next. You can find us online or in person here at city hall, best of all, all services are free of charge. The Small Business commission is the official public forum to voice your opinions and concerns about policies that affect the Economic Vitality of Small Businesses in San Francisco. If you need assistance with Small Business ma
Appreciated. There is a sign in sheet on the front table. Sfgovtv please show the office of Small Business slide. Welcome. It is our custom to begin and end with the reminder the office of Small Business is the only place to start your new business in San Francisco, and the best place to get answers about doing business in San Francisco. It should be your first stop with a question about what to do next. You can find us online or in person here at city hall, best of all, all services are free of charge. The Small Business commission is the official public forum to voice your opinions and concerns about policies that affect the Economic Vitality of Small Businesses in San Francisco. If you need assistance with Small Business matters start here at the office of Small Business. Item one. Call to order and roll call. roll call . Mr. President , you have a quorum. Item two. General Public Comment. Members of the public can comment on matters within the Small Business jurisdiction and to sug