LUCEA, Hanover - Prime Minister Andrew Holness is calling for buy-in from the Parliamentary Opposition to a proposal to build a new capital for the parish of Hanover.
"I am using this platform, w.
HANOVER, Jamaica - Jamaica's second smallest parish, Hanover, is 300 years old today and to mark the historic occasion, a year-long series of activities has been planned. The latter will kick-off toda.
LUCEA, Hanover – In memory of nine-year-old Nikita Noel, who was brutally raped and strangled at the hands of a man who was in a relationship with her mother, a scholarship fund will be launche.
LUCEA, Hanover A committee intent on making the year-long celebration of this parish's 300th birthday a memorable one, is pushing to have November 12 declared Hanover Day.
In 1723, the nation'.