Dr. Rebecca Todd is an OB/GYN in Morehead. Her office has received an increase in calls since the decision was announced June 24. She recently discussed the topic with WMKY's Tanner Boyd.
This Saturday, members of the UK College of Medicine-Bowling Green Campus's inaugural class will celebrate the past four years of hard work as they officially graduate with their medical degrees and prepare to move on to the next phase of their lives: residency.
Next month, the first class of medical students from the UK College of Medicine Bowling Green campus will graduate and move on to their residences. Students and faculty from Bowling Green reflect on their experiences at UK's first regional medical campus and the impact they've felt in the community.
Over the years, Dr. Moore has poured passion and dedication into the ministry at SCH. She has served the community well and will continue to dedicate her time to the future of St. Claire. Join us as we wish her a happy and enjoyable retirement!
Match Day is always a special event for the University of Kentucky College of Medicine. This year, the college added to the excitement by celebrating an incredible milestone in its mission of training more physicians in Kentucky, for Kentucky.