The speaker pro tempore the house will be in order. The prayer this morning will be offered by the guest chaplain, Bishop Robert barron, archdiocese of los angeles, santa barbara, california. The chaplain let us pray. O god, source of all justice, youve sum oned everyone who works in this chamber to walk the path of righteousness, to foster life and liberty, to care especially for the poorest and most vulnerable in our society. Free these servants of yours, o lord, of all those attachments to wealth or power or privilege or fame, that would prevent them from following the course you have set out for them. Make them mindful of the time when they first heard your voice and followed it with idealism and enthusiasm. Illuminate their minds, direct their wills, stirrup in them a holy passion for doing what is right, despite the cost. Give them the knowledge that whenever they strive for justice , they are pleasing to you. And shower, o lord, your choicest blessings upon our country. Amen. Th
LOWVILLE — Farm Bill season is coming to an end and Sen. Kirsten E. Gillibrand stopped by Lewis County to talk about legislation she has introduced for inclusion in the
LOWVILLE — Farm Bill season is coming to an end and Sen. Kirsten E. Gillibrand stopped by Lewis County to talk about legislation she has introduced for inclusion in the