Her Network has unveiled the official nominees for the 2021 Her Network Woman of the Year (HNWOTY) Awards as it returns to celebrate the fifth year of her
To celebrate and appreciate children, Amal Botanicals a leading natural skincare brand focused on children has partnered with Sane Mind a child mental health organization to give out affirmation flashcards to 3000 children between the ages of five to 15 years. x
Every May 27th has been set aside in Nigeria to commemorate and celebrate Children and focus on their rights as children, hence these organisations have keyed into the celebration to ensure that children are mentally sound, filled with positive drive to achieve an ill-free society and a healthier future.
The founder of SaneMind, Ruqoyah Ogunbiyi said that the affirmation flashcards is a three-piece on the go affirmation to help boost the self-esteem and confidence of children needed to thrive.