Meanwhile, on April 5, 2023. Rupali Ganguly turned 46. The actress celebrated her birthday on the sets in the presence of her co-stars. She thanked her fans for making her day memorable.
Anupamaa Update: Rajan Shahi’s top-rated Star Plus show, featuring Rupali Ganguly and Gaurav Khanna, has been grabbing a lot of eyeballs for its latest separation track of Anupama and Anuj. While there are rumours that Gaurav aka Anuj might quit the show, the truth is finally out. Here’s all you need to know.
Anupamaa Update: Rupali Ganguly and Gaurav Khanna’s top-rated Star Plus show has left viewers intrigued as the current track revolves around Anupamaa and Anuj’s separation. Now, Gaurav has hinted at a major twist that is going to take place in Anupamaa. Here’s everything you need to know about it.
In a career spanning over two decades, TV actress Rupali Ganguly featured in many hit shows. Currently, the TV star is winning hearts in Star Plus’ top-rated family drama Anupamaa as the titular character. However, did you know that there was a time when she faced age shaming and body shaming? Here’s all you need to know.