New IAEA Publications Highlight Importance of Seismic Safety for Nuclear Power Plants, Ovidiu Coman, IAEA Department of Nuclear Safety and Security,IAEA 25 Mar 21,
The importance of withstanding earthquakes and their consequences has proven to be critical for the safety of nuclear power plants, and seismic re-evaluation has been identified as an important step towards reducing the risks facing these plants. After the Fukushima Daichii accident in 2011, which was caused by a tsunami following an earthquake, many countries performed comprehensive safety and risk evaluations of their nuclear power plants against external hazards.
The specific seismic risk for each nuclear facility is vital to identify when developing and implementing the safety requirements for these plants, and two recent IAEA publications provide assistance to national experts on implementing improved seismic safety.
Times 4th April 2021, An Irish agency has complained to British authorities that they have not sufficiently assessed the potential implications for Ireland of a severe accident at a planned nuclear facility on the east coast of England, morethan 500km away. In a submission to the UK’s Planning Inspectorate last October, the Environmental Protection Agency…
Bill Gates, while motivated to help fight climate change, has also long been trying to make a success of his nuclear technology company Terra Power. The climate emergency presents him with the perfect opportunity to promote this, and especially, to get tax–payer funding to do it, as he suggests in his new book.
Elon Musk and Bill Gates: beware of gurus toting solutions to climate change
Elon Musk has grand plans to save the world. Bill Gates has just published his book ”How To Avoid a Climate Disaster”. They both envisage tax-payer funding for their solutions. But beware of gurus toting the solution to the planet’s crisis.
Bill Gates, while motivated to help fight climate change, has also long been trying to make a success of his nuclear technology company Terra Power. The climate emergency presents him with the perfect opportunity to promote this, and especially, to get tax–payer funding to do it, as he suggests in his new book.
Elon Musk and Bill Gates: beware of gurus toting solutions to climate change
Elon Musk has grand plans to save the world. Bill Gates has just published his book ”How To Avoid a Climate Disaster”. They both envisage tax-payer funding for their solutions. But beware of gurus toting the solution to the planet’s crisis.
Radioactive Wastewater
The wastewater originated from the former Piney Point phosphate processing plant where a reservoir containing stacks of phosphogypsum radioactive waste created by processing phosphate ore into fertilizer experienced a leak.
A portion of the containment wall at the leak site shifted laterally signifying that structural collapse could occur at any time,” said Manatee Director of Public Safety Jake Saur to
CBS News.
Officials fear the leak could potentially flood the area with radioactive wastewater and have begun the process of releasing 22,000 gallons of water a minute out of a retention pond to alleviate the stress on the containment site.