would pay instead of, you know, spreading wealth based on need. money woulneedd be allocated to individuals purely based on the issue of race. racnow, the premise, according to the left, would be to compensate for the evils oflavey slavery. now, first, the country billn simply cannot afford the billions and billions of dollars and trillion s of dollars that it would likely take to allocate and ultimatelyn ,i t is a punitive measure and one that will even furthervi dividede a country thaty deep is already deeply divided. those who support reparationly o believe that america is an evile country filled to the brim with generous notions of bad people. and while no intelligent perso n ,let me be clear, deniese the evils of slavery, it wouldnl be a great injustice to ignore all the progress this country has made on racial issues and other issues. which is the beauty o our great constitution. it has provide d all of us a roadmap that we can right wrongs and correct injustices. o
of the money that we rineg spending. we got to stope to this runawayu spending. and he ignored us fore we u one hundred and five days. but because weni united , wete were able to pass a bill.meetin weg. got into where we had a meeting. the president said all along he would not negotiate and you d had to just increase the deb cet ceiling. . he and chuck schumer said that yesterday was a breakthrough. they acknowledge that it s no longer a position they can hold and now they ve appointed two of their administrative people to work with our staff, to work to try to find and solve this problem. but, you know, we ve been very clear , shawn, you can t keep raising the debt ceiling. dit cd it s like having your child have a credit card in year after year after year.keep e you keexpp reaching the lit and you just keep expanding, cr expanding it. well, there comes a point where your credit card now cost more than all the money. you make in a year bigger than your entire economy. your respons