The Punjab & Haryana High Court has directed the Commissionerate of Police at Jalandhar to probe the veracity of marriage performed by a purohit at an Arya Samaj Mandir, which is statedly not.
The Punjab & Haryana High Court on Thursday directed the Punjab state counsel to seek instructions to ascertain whether there exists a specific mechanism in the state for addressing the grievances of.
CHANDIGARH: The Punjab and Haryana high court has refused to grant protection to a runaway couple, where the girl is a minor, observing that the boy whom she had allegedly eloped with can’t be the “next friend”. It was of the view that only the parents, brother, uncle being the natural guardian of a minor girl can be her “next friend” for her protection, reports Ajay Sura.
Justice Manoj Bajaj passed these orders while dismissing a petition filed by the couple from Punjab seeking protection to their life and liberty, citing that the girl’s family were against their relationship.