Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Whātua asserts that the current consultation and investigative work undertaken by the Far North District Council is not supported by our Iwi. Rūnanga CEO Alan Riwaka says: “many of the sites identified across Taitokerau and within .
Ngati Whatua need to korero on Erebus memorial stance 08 Mar 2021 12:57 PM
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Crown Māori Relations Minister Kelvin Davis wants to see Ngāti Whātua sort out their differences on the proposed Erebus memorial beside the Parnell Rose Gardens.
The Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei board says it has been consulted on and approved the memorial at what it calls Taurarua.
But Dame Naida Glavish, who chairs Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Whātua, says many in the hapū say they were unaware of the plan, and there should have been consultation with the wider iwi because of the significance of the park as the site of the Mataharehare pa.