if you think about it. number two, you mentioned inflation and inflation was made in washington since president biden was inaugurated five hundred and forty days ago. prices are up thirteen pointre o two percent. here s another way of looking at that. a dollar. this book is now worth ining purchasing power aboutou eighty seven , maybe eighty eight cents. so what is president bidenou kn, doing about it? peopleabout it? you might be thinking, you know, people make make mistakes.? what s he going to do about what s he doing about it? wellt ha, the president has decd to drink himself sober. first, he passed a seven hundred and fifty billion dollars, so called inflation reduction act, which takes takes three hundred billion dollars and higher taxes out of the pockets of the american people. ecy is slowiwhen the economy is, prices are rising and 401k areha
in dalton, georgia. you enlisted in the marine corps after high school. you serve your country for eight years. scho and , you know, during your deployment in afghanistan, you were responsible for disarming and destroying 80 ieds, thousands of pounds ofk other unknown bulk explosives. n and you stepped on and initiated an ied resulting in a loss of both of your legs. you definyou dee tofi me her. and i know to this audience you are the very definition of it all. and i liker your viewpoint. ind i liker your viewpoint. now we re telling service members we re giving them instructions they ca because tht put food on the table becauseouh we re not paying them enough money. y. e the people that protect to go the freedom of these kids to go to school, we re goin g takeschool, we re goin their money to pay for they their education, but they can t put food on their table. biden and the government, joe biden s government is telling them to go on food stamps. that s what that s what their
violent criminals to be released from prison. we re we re going to play that and vet him tonight. but first, our countdowns. continues. y five shortwe aaway days away from these pivotalve midterm elections. and democrats have lost all touch with reality now. yesterday, we showed you the new devastating economic numbers.t inflation went up coreup inflation going up, food, rent, energy all the way up. the stock market, meanwhile, plummeted. it tanked. it dropped significantly. itignificathe biggest drop since the height of the pandemic. this but one month after the democrats passed their so-called inflation reduction ac t, or as i call it,reduct the tax, the poor, middle class and people on fixed income act t of twenty , twenty two . it doesn t actually do anything to reduce inflation. it will increase inflation. it. a is just a massive green n, deal spending bill that, wors as predicted, is making inflation far worse, making everythingg evensive more expenn ever. and now, by the way,
they ve set and used before. that s the guidance they give, the guidance we re giving themnd is we re going to tax.g to pay you want to take your money and we re going to pay off a loan that somebody willingly took on . and you castn go get food stamp. and we re not going to we re not going to pay you enougho pu money to put food on your table and you re risking your life for your country. i can t handle that. well, we re better than that, sean. seaand listen to whoever is gig that advice. you had senator kennedy on and a he s got some of the best one linersth. y is t advisor i. y is t that adviser is the reason why there s directions on a shampoo bottle . it s just idiotic. hen wei can tell you when we sto look at all of this, we have got to do better than this.lo and right now, they re so slowyg rolling. everything in in the senate. chuck schumer, slow rolling the defense authorization. defe and when we start to see this,,y they got a raise underr pres president trump. they re ge
crashing. and he gives a three hundred billion dollars of taxpayer money to the green new dealh industrial complex, which cause will probably spend it in a way that causes energy prices tog go up without reducing worldd temperatures. terma scintilla of a degree be e china and india refuse to stop e emitting co2 and then for his second trip, the president decidethe prd to spend $1 trillo forgive student debt. we now, we already have a plan to repay student debt. it s called a job. i s called a job. on it. what are you going. if yo i m not interrupting. if youok at th look at this from thirty five thousand feet, i think this is this is obviousy . and that s why i say that president biden is inflation s best friend. inflation loves president and