the tension between state law and federal law will continue, and because of the ease of transporting drugs outside of the state of california, many also believe that congress and ultimately the president will have to act. jon. jon: dan springer, live from our northwest bureau, thanks dan. jamie: it s a radical form of islamic law, and it s gaining acceptance in the u.s. in court. and that that is led has head run law make ner oklahoma to try and amend the state constitution there. you know what he wants? he wants to ban the courts from even considering sharia law. a warning, some of the video in this story could be difficult to watch. douglas kennedy, live in our new york newsroom with more. tell us, douglas. reporter: jamie, sharia is a religious law that comes from the koran and something one oklahoma state politician wants to keep out of oklahoma courts. rex dunn quantity toss make sure no judge ever uses