science guy coming up. and also making the beat debut is one of the few live witnesses from the january 6th committee hearings, an expert who stuck to the fact about donald trump s lies and found telling the truth can become something of an act in the maga universe. all of that is coming up here but our top story right now is about democracy, and i d like to clearly tell you what we re trying to do around here. so let me tell you up front right now this is a little different than our typical start to this news program the beat. right now i m going to try to walk through the broader path of how democracy is in danger even beyond how that point itself has become a kind of rhetorical refrain in washington, a refrain that is also true. so we re going to go through that right now, me and you together, and then turn to a special expert on this a little later. the mid-term elections may occur on one day in november, and we know that, of course, is election day. but these primari
Des Etats-Unis à la France, la très mauvaise fièvre des antivax
CHRONIQUE. La pandémie a libéré tous les fantasmes et donné libre cours aux théories les plus farfelues. Des amateurs de science-fiction idéologisent la santé publique et se posent en résistants d’un nouvel ordre sanitaire mondial.Je m abonne pour 1€ le premier mois Temps de lecture 3 min A Toulon, le 20 juillet 2021, une affiche de Macron en Hitler pour dénoncer le pass sanitaire. (MAGALI COHEN / Hans Lucas via AFP)
Ils sont persuadés que le coronavirus a été élaboré dans des officines secrètes pour favoriser l’instauration d’une dictature mondiale. Aux Etats-Unis, le groupe Stand Up X accuse Bill Gates d’avoir implanté des puces dans les vaccins qu’il distribue en Afrique, tandis que les membres de Teacher Against Abuse entendent protéger les enfants des abus nés sous le régime « Covid ». Ils sont contre Davos, contre les élites mondialisées, contre « les pédophiles q
expected in twenty nineteen. now there s something lots of bangs and effects in that the thing about this the fish is a marvel film and they only started making movies like ten years ago another version the run hollywood ya know it s amazing i mean two thousand it was the first novel film iron man and basically what marvel s managed to do is they ve reinvented the franchise model franchise you know films one after another of the same idea based on like the james bond model right which is basically make the same film over and over again get one idea you make it over and over again marvel changed that and they said we re not going just make one movie over and over again we re going take a whole universe of movies and we ll be different strands will be thor s they ll be kept american movies spider-man movies are all going to link them up so the characters cross over and then bring them together every couple of years to make
than it is worth. i am not going to say that joke. i don t want to deal with it. and this raises a question, &ikúrñ he is watching his weigh. he is trying to stay slim. one of the hateful stereo types is that the jews run hollywood and i heard a rebuttal saying it is a myth. it is gay jews that run hollywood. are either of those things true? i don t think so. just for the sake of being pc, i don t think so. i have to say i agree with him. so you hate gays?