that was before the pro-mubarak thugs came on the scene. when they did, that s when things really got out of hand. now, it s out of control. even journalists aren t safe they re being attacked, beaten, intimidated. in some cases, jailed in cairo. give you a couple of them. fox news greg palkot and olaf whig were beaten and hospitalized after a huge crowd turned on them there were 30 protesters and military officers helped save them. greg palkot described his attack saying, when a molotov cocktail smashed through the window of the room we were in, spreading gas all over floor, we decided we weren t going up in flames and we decided to make a run fort. we rushed down the stairs and out in the street. it was nothing short of a battle zone. he described that smoke filled the air and fighters scrambled back and forth across no man s land between with the two sides, hurling rocks and gas bombs and other projectiles.