Michael Smerconish tackles the American political and news stories of the week, offering only one kind of talking points his own. The times, by the way, standing by her hire saying they understood her twitter past and understand it for what it was. We had candid conversations with sarah as part of the thorough vetting process which included a review of her social media history. She understands this rhetoric is not acceptable at the times and we are confident she will be an important voice for the Editorial Board moving forward. Interestingly, the fact that the times already knew about her tweets is significant due to another hire in february, quinn norton. When some of miss nortons old tweets surfaced which included racial slurs and an Internet Troll which works for a neonazi website she ended stepping down that same day. In that case, it had not been aware of her tweets before it hired her. We reached out to miss jeong, but we were told she was unavailable. Go to smerconish. Com and a
history have precluded her hire by the new york times as board member. joining me now, rich lowery, does it matter if she was counter punching? usually when you re counterpunching you re counterpunching directly or replying directly to other people on twitter. we all get nasty tweets thrown at us all of the time, but most of us don t react to that with years long history of racist tweets which she did here, so i think that explanation is complete nonsense. i don t like the practice of rummaging back through people s twitter accounts and firing them on the basis of that, so i would probably still support her being at the times, but i think the explanation here is total nonsense. listen, i want to know the context for all of these controversial tweets. i went looking myself and found that ridiculous animated movie. we can put up just a still image that shows the animation and at