Reports from tees valley. An icon of a vibrant an icon of a vibrant industrial an icon of a vibrant industrial past, now out of action, symbolising area struggling to find its feet. Tees valley, and infinite hercules in its day, a white capital of imake income is now clearing a site of past glories and looking for new ventures. A painful process with economic decline, alongside pockets of affluence. That has placed this area on the national map, and now a mayoral contest with high stakes mayoral contest with high sta kes from mayoral contest with high stakes from the two main parties. A poster boy of the red bull, after his narrow win here in 2017. Re elected in a landslide in 2021, ben houchen is now hoping to buck the national trend. A local labour stalwart, hopes to win back what was once a heartland for his party, and a winnerfor heartland for his party, and a winner for chris heartland for his party, and a winnerfor Chris Mcewan Heartland for his party, and a winner for chris mcew
limit on how much people can get refunded, forging £15,000 and the amount to be reimbursed will be split between firms, 50 50, so 50% of a refund will come from the sending firm or the sending bank and 50% of the refund will come from the receiving bank. that is a really, really big step forward from where we are at the moment, and a regulator told me that they want what they called an equivalence of service. what that means is they want all the victims to be treated the same, regardless of where they keep their money, so big news for consumers, formal protections, because these regulations, they will because these regulations, they will be obligatory, mandatory, but from the 7th of october, lots more protection for fraud victims in the uk. ,, ., ., , protection for fraud victims in the uk. .,, i. protection for fraud victims in the uk. so, as you said, these news new rules uk. so, as you said, these news new rules come uk. so, as you said, these news new rules come into u