ó every day at the elayn hunt correctional center in louisiana, the kitchen staff is challenged with cooking for the facility s 2,100 inmates and the 750 correctional staff members who work here. over the course of a year, some 2.5 million meals are prepared by inmates in this kitchen, serving staple foods and sides like cornbread and chocolate chip cookies can be expensive but elayn hunt manages to keep costs down. in part because they grow much of their own food on site. i m proud to say that we have one of the lowest food costs per day in the state. food costs $1.31 a day, not just one meal but three hot meals a day. while general population prisoners eat in the mess halls, inmates locked up for rule infractions have their meals
there are 2 million people behind bars in america. we open the gates, lockup. as is the case at many maximum security prisons, some inmates locked up for rule infractions at alabama s holman correctional fassellety complain about unfair treatment. warden grantt culliver says they re not only fair, but reflect what the public expects of the prison system. once a year, every prisoner in holman comes up for a progress review before warden culliver and supervisor james powers. this is your annual progress review. we ll come up with a determination of his needs, whether his needs can be met here or needs to be moved to a facility where programs to meet his specific needs. for inmates confined to segregated lockdown, the process
behavior, and once they get out into the population, they won t commit another rule infraction. the ones that come here come here for serious rule infractions. it may be an aggravated fight, which is a fight with a weapon. it may be for an assault on staff. it may be for attempting to traffic drugs inside the prison. inmates on level one only get out one hour, two days a week. if you make it to level three, you get out three days a week. i got busted on a charge on aggravated rape and second-degree kidnapping. i m not saying that i m no saint, but i m saying that everybody is, like, wrong, everybody did wrong. everybody in this world done stole, done lied, done killed, done did everything. ain t no crime is greater than no other crime on this earth. you got assaulting inmates supposed to be here. and you ve got certain free folks supposed to be here. supposed to be locked up in here. not be working here, in here. trouble s not hard to find,
we want them to hate being at camp j. so they ll alter their behavior, and once they get out into the population, they won t commit another rule infraction. the ones that come here come here for serious rule infractions. it may be an aggravated fight, which is a fight with a weapon. it may be for an assault on staff. it may be for attempting to traffic drugs inside the prison. inmates on level one only get out one hour, two days a week. if you make it to level three, you get out three days a week. i got busted on a charge on aggravated rape and kidnapping. i m not saying that i m no saint, but i m saying that everybody is, like, wrong, everybody did wrong. everybody in this world done stole, done lied, done killed, done did everything. ain t no crime is greater than no other crime on this earth. you got assaulting inmates supposed to be here. and you ve got certain free folks supposed to be here. supposed to be locked up in here.
but elayn hunt manages to keep costs down. in part because they grow much of their own food on site. i m proud to say that we have one of the lowest food costs per day in the state. food costs $1.31 a day, not just one meal but three hot meals a day. while general population prisoners eat in the mess halls, inmates locked up for rule infractions have their meals brought to their cells. all right, let s go if you re on chow carts. you got an apron on, you need to take your apron off. sergeant kimberly smith oversees the transport of food items to and from the kitchen. we re on our way to the unit three compound, where the inmates do not come out of their cells to eat. they actually eat in their cells. all five chow carts will be taken to the gate on unit three, and all the inmates will be given a tray through their hatch on their cells. once they have eaten, they will pick everything back up, everything will come back into