if you are not sure when the deadline is in your state head to vote.org for more information. secretary of state mike pompeo is back after his whirlwind asia trip where tensions with china took center stage. more on that and the progress in denuclearize in north korea. reporter: secretary of state pompeo is talking about his meeting with kim jong un in pyongyang but there were other things on his mind like the escalating trade war between the us and china and recent us arms sales to taiwan. all these a reckless truck the mutual trust of the two nations to cast a shadow over the future of the chinese us relations. reporter: there are differences, mike pompeo all the relationship important especially when it comes to reining in china s ally, north korea.
trump was funny. take that into consideration because she s now defending the late show comedy writer who wrote about ruining brett cavanagh s life, a comedy writer being held to a higher standard than the president of the united states. blank the haters. the original tweet was a tone deaf attempt at sarcasm. the top google executive deleting his tweet slamming republicans over brett cavanagh s confirmation, and look at this. you are finished, gop. you polished the final nail for your own coffin. the last images burn and your slimy evil treasonous retinas, millions of women laughing and clapping and celebrity as your souls descend into the flames. later saying that tweet could have been more eloquent and less condemning. that could have been are bad today.
the game with 103 yards, they are congratulating him. 4000 days i held the record for all-time passing yards in the nfl. thanks to you that is over and you have ruined that for me. heather: he is leading 43-19, washington redskins in that record-setting game. that is quite an honor. the time is 12 minutes after the top of the hour, donald trump raising police officers for all the work they do every day. i don t think you understand one thing, how much our country loves you. you don t hear it from them. they don t tell you. shannon: what message does this send our men and women in blue? our law enforcement panel, there they are, here to weigh in, live up next. sheet tweeted about ruining
in election years. never campaigned against a colleague in my life. that is about to change. reporter: both sides fired up. donald trump weighing in on taylor swift s bad blood. reporter: on instagram, i cannot support marsha blackburn, her voting record in congress polzin terrifies me. swift endorsing his opponent for the senate.
robert jeffers was at the white house ceremony last night and he joins us with his reaction. thanks for joining us, appreciate it. you were in the room, tell us about the atmospheric? it was electric and if there was any feeling in that room it would be this, that good had triumphed over evil. last night was a huge political win for donald trump and we can talk about why but it was more than that. and decades to come we will look back on this and see that it was a cultural turning point in america. for decades conservatives have been tired of being bullied by the left, tired of told we have to bow before the gods of political correctness. we longed for a leader like donald trump who would stand up and not back down or somebody like brett kavanaugh who would not cave in to the attacks from the left and i think in many ways the confirmation of justice brett cavanagh represents conservatives finally standing