The indictment of former President Donald Trump is a disgusting disgrace. A massive abuse of power. But OK. Message received. A politician accused of corruption even a former president must be indicted, arrested, and arraigned, with a trial.
George McGovern, the Democratic Party’s 1972 presidential nominee, was a liberal icon. During many years in political office, including as a U.S. senator from South Dakota, McGovern successfully championed loads of regulations, taxes, and mandates in the name of the.
George McGovern, the Democratic Party’s 1972 presidential nominee, was a liberal icon. During many years in political office, including as a U.S. senator from South Dakota, McGovern successfully championed loads of regulations, taxes, and mandates in the name of the.
The culture war is usually a cold one. Conservatives and liberals have been facing off on social issues for generations, fighting proxy wars in the courts or newspapers. And as secular progressivism becomes increasingly dogmatic you’re a bigot, a.