Within every legendary handgun company there are individual product lines, generally centered around a specific application, or in modern Tacti-Speak, a “mission” (although in many cases it’s more of a marketing ID).
The week of Christmas, you would like to think, would be a slow one for law enforcement, unfortunately, that would be wrong. Your Bowie County Sheriff's Department spent the week working multiple sexual assault cases, credit card abuse, theft, cruelty to livestock, forgery, a dog bite, and much more.
The week of Christmas, you would like to think, would be a slow one for law enforcement, unfortunately, that would be wrong. Your Bowie County Sheriff's Department spent the week working multiple sexual assault cases, credit card abuse, theft, cruelty to livestock, forgery, a dog bite, and much more.
The week of Christmas, you would like to think, would be a slow one for law enforcement, unfortunately, that would be wrong. Your Bowie County Sheriff's Department spent the week working multiple sexual assault cases, credit card abuse, theft, cruelty to livestock, forgery, a dog bite, and much more.