Shrenu Parikh and Mansi Srivastava attend Ishqbaaaz co-actress and friend Neha Laxmi Iyer s mehndi ceremony. Neha is all set to tie knot with boyfriend on 26th February 2024.
Surbhi Chandna, Shrenu Parikh and Mansi Srivastava attend Ishqbaaaz co-actress and friend Neha Laxmi Iyer s mehndi ceremony. Neha is all set to tie the knot on 26th February 2024.
While some celebs have lavish weddings some choose to have simple intimate ones where only close friends and family members are invited. Today let us look at celebs who will soon tie the knot. |
Nehalaxmi Iyer is known for her performances in shows like Qubool Hai and Ishqbaaz. The actress will soon get married and has posted an emotional video thanking her friends and other people.