But she was never a Government Employee. The fact in this lurid story, the taxpayers of alabama were not paying her salary. And whether or not she was sh stooping the governor, having someone working there that was not a Government Employee . Well, the group that apparently was paying her is called the Alabama Council for excellent government. Ace gov. Com was their website. But when the relationship became a national sex scandal, they disappeared their website. This is their website today. Its jaups nothing. Just a little place holder in case you might want to build something at acegov. Com because theres nothing there now. In the middle of this raging story with national implications, theres this black hole, this group who was apparently paying this woman who was in the Governors Office every day, this group does not answer its phones, they dont directed towards institutions that provide assistance to those seeking to change their sexual behavior. Mike pence ran for congress saying
Right now complete with sex tapes you wouldnt expect that the one with the sex scandal would be this handsome devil. But he is the governor of alabama. And his ongoing lurid sex scandal continues to be one of the weirder side bar stories in american politics right now. Its fairly lurid stuff. His amorous discussions with one of his top advisers were published, were broadcast by the birmingham news website earlier this week. Theyre all about what hed like to do with her and how he hoped his secretary couldnt hear too much from outside the Governors Office door when they were in there doing yeah. You might remember the tapes. I dont really feel like playing them anymore. But last night we reported on a new wrinkle in this story, a new unlawful dismissal lawsuit that was filed against the governor and against his alleged mistress. This is a lawsuit that the governor is dismissing as street gossip and internet rumors, but this new lawsuit from his former bodyman, his former chief of securi
Scandal continues to be one of the weirder side bar stories in american politics right now. Its fairly lurid stuff. His amorous discussions with one of his top advisers were published, were broadcast by the birmingham news website earlier this week. Theyre all about what hed like to do with her and how he hoped his secretary couldnt hear too much from outside the Governors Office door when they were in there doing yeah. You might remember the tapes. I dont really feel like playing them anymore. But last night we reported on a new wrinkle in this story, a new unlawful dismissal lawsuit that was filed against the governor and against his alleged mistress. This is a lawsuit that the governor is dismissing as street gossip and internet rumors, but this new lawsuit from his former bodyman, his former chief of security says that his former chief of security was basically fired from the Governors Administration in alabama because basically he wouldnt go along with the governors effort to cove
Triangle Strategy is a tactics RPG, with branching paths based on the decisions you make. Here's all the possible storylines and endings in Triangle Strategy.
There are 30 characters to recruit in Triangle Strategy, but some are far better than others. Here's how to recruit all of them and a rundown of their abilities.