A law authorizing an Automatic Nuclear strike. If the country is ever attacked. Rudnick bryan has more from song the defiant declaration from north koreas leader kim jong and came at a gathering of the countrys parliament, the Supreme Peoples Assembly to customary applause. He announced the north status as a Nuclear Armed power would now be enshrined in law. Would you have a little cartoon legislating Nuclear Weapons policy one draws an irreversible line would have to so that the can be not bargaining of our Nuclear Weapons. It officially closes the door on attempts, brokered by the previous liberal administration in south korea to get the north to give up its Nuclear Weapons through summit diplomacy and comes amid fears. The north is preparing to conduct its vers nuclear test since 2017 concerns that were aired at a trilateral security meeting earlier this week between the us and its allies, south korea and japan. Oh or you know, it comes as both careers are celebrating, the autumn th