these vindictive women can t find a husband or keep one. they are like stalkers. have we seen anything like this many american politics? mr. cain, you re great for cable and people are paying attention to it, but you re terrible for the political process in the country. you ve embarrassed a lot of people and the rudderless, rudderless out of touch republican party doesn t know what to do with you and very few people stood up and side it s time for you to take a hike. i want to know what you think. tonight s question. should herman cain drop out of the republican race tomorrow? text a for yes, b for no to 622639. always go to our blog at we ll bring you the results later on in the show. let s turn to ken vogel of politico and goldie taylor with us tonight, columnist for the grio and managing editor of the goldie taylor project. mr. vogel, you were the first one in your team to report on this at politico the troubles
seeking the oval office in 2012. i want to tell you who voters are choosing from right now. texas congressman ron paul, businessman herman cain, michele bachmann, former pennsylvania senator rick santorum, michigan senator mish mcconnell, mitt romney, former house speaker newt gingrich, former utah governor john huntsman and former minnesota governor tim pawlenty. that is definitely a maouthful, it s not a caucus. it paid to have people bussed in just to vote. it s not very scientific, but the straw poll can make or break a candidate. and many of them made their final pitch to the crowd. listen. you have an opportunity here today to send a message that iowa doesn t want what new york and washington and the rest of the elite media want. the home work is done much better without the federal government down on our backs and in our wallets. it s time we restored freedom to america. we know what america needs, but unfortunately, barack obama has absolutely no clue. he is lik
day. if you re asking, have we made the decisions that are the right decisions to move this country forward after a very devastating recession, then the answer is absolutely. i will say george got a more succinct answer that you got, jeff, back in time there. but, look, jokes aside, 54 days from an election, the fact that they re putting the president out there again on the national stage, they are trying very hard to do what? well, to get his message across, because the democrats in general are a babble of messages. they have, you know, at this stage, the polls are such and we re this close to the election, it shows the independents, voters, have pretty much left him. what he needs to do is rally the base. and they ve felt a little rudderless through the summer. so with the speeches he s given this week in wisconsin and then near cleveland, he has sort of given he s sort of helped rally the base, by coming out