Slow fashion is perhaps the most important step towards reducing the harmful impact of fashion. Every individual can make a big difference by the power of conscious consumption, so choose well with your money. Here is what some of the home-grown designers have to say.
Presiding over the function, Madhya Pradesh Private University Regulatory Commission Chairman Dr Bharat Sharan Singh said that net enrolment ratio of Madhya Padesh Higher Education was increasing.
Fertilizer prices are mixed for the second week of September 2022. No fertilizers were up or down of any significance looking back to last month. Five of the eight major fertilizers were slightly lower compared to last month while the remaining three were slightly higher.
Moses Wamugango peered into the plastic vats where maggots wriggled in decomposing filth, the enviable project of a neighbor who spoke of the fertilizer problem he had been able to solve. The maggots are the larvae of the black soldier fly, an insect whose digestive system effectively turns food waste into organic fertilizer. Farmers normally…