Today the US Patent & Trademark Office published a patent application from Apple that relates to a possible new health related app for the iPhone and Apple Watch. The patent covers computer user interfaces relating to techniques for managing walking steadiness data. Technically, this is now a patent fulfilled, as this new app was included with the release of iOS 16. Though Apple s support page has it linked to iOS 15. This report is for those who are interested in the patent that gave birth to this new iOS App.
New method to efficiently deliver drugs into cells
A new, patented method called Progressive Mechanoporation makes it possible to mechanically disrupt the membranes of cells for a short time period and let drugs or genes inside cells. In this way, researchers can test new therapies more easily than before.
Modern vaccines such as those against SARS-CoV-2 use tiny lipid spheres to transport genetic information into cells and let the body build up an immune defense against the virus. A team of scientists from Erlangen, Dresden, and London has now developed a completely new method to very efficiently deliver not only genes but also drugs and other substances into cells.